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How to make your work stand out with 4 easy lightroom tricks

The application is simple and has powerful features that allow the user to organize their images and extract the last bit of detail from their raw files. This has made it an extremely popular app among professional photographers in Delhi.

Hocus Pocus, is a professional photography firm in Delhi. The photographers here strive to create golden memories for you. They are dedicated professionals who work towards building happy and satisfied customers. The team of professional photographers of Hocus Pocus have some great tips for Lightroom users!

  1. Luminance tool

In an outdoor shoot, it can be difficult at times to expose correctly with respect to the land and sky in your composition. Using the luminance tool in the Light room can help a great deal in this situation. Don’t overuse the saturation slider on your composition as it can result in the image getting overly saturated.

For example, if you need to enhance the blue sky in a picture, reduce the luminance of the blue channel to get the blue colours which are darker. In case of a different colour, you would need to enhance or reduce the luminance of that particular colour, depending on your composition.

  1. Apply your presets on imports

Save yourself valuable time by applying preset settings on your imported pictures. Most photographers, who have to process a whole batch, can reduce the post processing time by automatically applying a preset setting on import. Activate your preset settings on your app to save time.

  1. Specify your image sharpening

All Lightroom users are aware of the sharpening tools. Use the sharpening to bring in some fine details to your composition. Use the tool carefully and effectively, as it may result in sharpening of unnecessary areas especially while working on portraits.

Set the sharpen slider to your desired setting and this will let the app identify the areas of the image that you need to change every time you work on a composition.

  1. Adjustment brush

For retouching a portrait, the adjustment brush is an easy tool to make the picture stand out. In case of portraits, making adjustments to different areas of a face are the most effective techniques, some of which are lightening the eyes, softening the skin tone, boosting the lips, sharpening the eyes and toning the eye bags etc.

Some of the best photographers in Delhi swear by the use of the Lightroom tool. It was originally developed for editing photographs and it's astonishing how the users have developed multiple ways in which these few simple tools and techniques can be used to make beautiful eye catching compositions. Lightroom is still catching up with Photoshop, but Lightroom 5 has taken a huge leap forward with the improved tools like the Spot Removal tool, adjustment brush etc.


About the Author

Himani Sharma

Himani Sharma

Himani Sharma is an astute web developer, who has around 4 years of experience.

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